Craft Signs

Craft Signs

Gifts for crafters of all kinds: knitters, sewers and quilters!


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3 products

small wood sign painted white with black lettering that reads, "It's not hoarding if it's yarn"Knitting Fanatics Wood Sign | Yarn Lover Decor | Three Sisters Studio
small rectangular wood sign painted white with an image of a ball of yarn with two knitting needles inserted into it making an X shape. The words "TOTAL BALLER" are written over the ball of yarn. The image and the text are in black.Wood Sign Decor Art | Total Baller | Three Sister Studio
Sale price$24.00
a small wood rectangular sign painted white with black lettering that reads "it's not hoarding if it's fabric". The words "hoarding" and "fabric" are in a large script font. The other words are in a thin font, all caps. Unique Wood Signs | It’S Not Hoarding | Three Sister Studio